Thursday, 5 February 2009

The test begins!

Ok people, whomever you are. This is one of the main reasons i started this Blog, im going to use it as a place to write, and for you guys to comment, have some say in where you'd like the story to go, and what you do and don't like!!! Here goes...title to be decided at a later date

Tolan was instantly hit by the heat as he entered the barn, it wafted against his face carrying the small flecks of dirt and ash so synonymous with metalworking. The rear of the barn glowed with the ambient light of a furnace and the familiar ring of metal on metal signalled the attendance of the blacksmith.
"Hello?" Tolans quiet, gruff voice strained to be heard over the sound of the smithing, but there was no answer.

The wall surrounding the furnace cast shadows off towards Tolan that reminded him so much of his youth when he helped to set up a similar system in the abbeys smithy after the old one burnt down. It was difficult enough to keep a forge hot, so they were almost always left aflame which causes one or two hazards when left unattended. The week he'd spent getting that smithy up and running had shown him how difficult it was to keep a smithy's equipment and environment clean and he had a great deal of respect for a well organized blacksmith. The smith that he had been sent to speak to, a man named Relek, was exceptionally organised from what Tolan could see. Tolan smiled to himself as he walked past the smiths table, with all his tools laid out perfectly. Every single handle pointed out towards Tolan and the leather binding them was well oiled and perfectly wrapped, Tolan had heard of afflictions that caused people to put things a certain way through neccessity and absentmindedly wondered if this Relek had a similar problem.

Tolan's musings were interrupted as the sound of the hammering stopped and moments later Relek appeared. Relek was in his late middle ages and the results of a leisurely life hung loosely over the hard muscle that his blacksmithing trade had built onto him over the decades since taking up his apprenticeship. His face belied the hard years of smithing and instead radiated a youthful joviality that could only be compared to a childs face when it first encounters snow, but before that horrible moment where they realise how cold it is.
"Hello Friend of the Land! How may i be of service?"
"Greetings Blacksmith, would i be correct in presuming you are Relek?" Tolan enquired politely instead of making presumptions
"I am, unless another Blacksmith has opened up in town, and i would think the Rock lords would mention that!" Releks booming laugh echoes throughout the smithy as he considers the tender relationship already shared with the Rock lords of the land. Tolan allows himself a rare grin in acknowledgement of the joke, but soon returns to the case at hand
"My name is Tolan, i was sent by Brother Callick"
"Ah....the young servant of the you are here for it" Releks words seemed guarded, but his eyes spoke otherwise, they twinkled with a pride at having such a thing and being able to present it to the church. Not for the first time since being rushed onto this journey, Tolan wondered about the importance of this Blessed Longsword and what it was worth to the church....

More to come when i have time!!!!!


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